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Ho capito
  • Improve the environment with our

    dust suppression systems

  • Improve the environment with our

    dust suppression systems


WLP Systems, in collaboration with Demaclenko, has designed a cannon for extinguishing fires. The machine has been designed to cope with any type of situation, from the least serious to the most demanding. The power ensures that fires are extinguished in a very short time.

The model name is inspired by the God of the sea, Poseidon. Equipped with a water misting system, Poseidon is certainly the best product for extinguishing fires.
The nozzles nebulize the water which, thanks to the powerful turbine the machine is equipped with, is projected over a long distance.

An important element is that this specific system can also be used as a cooling method for interrupting one of the elements of the fire triangle.

Fields of Application on Dust Suppression

Find out why it works!!

The functioning of WLP dust suppression systems tries
to reproduce a natural phenomenon. Thanks to the several
nozzles the machine ejects tiny drops of water. These drops
capture the dust particles in the air and make them sink to the ground.


The new Product range

Light Duty

The new range of light products for the suppression of dust and odours.

Heavy Duty

WLP presents the new selection of Heavy products for the suppression of dust and odours:from the single installation to the development of a complete and customizable system.

Special Duty

Special customized machines for the plants of our customers. Designed and realized to satisfy our most demanding customers.

Dust suppression system

The dust suppression system allows the removal of dust in the working place quickly and effectively, ensuring the health of the worker and maintaining the efficiency in the production. Use our dust suppression systems and contact us for a free quotation.

Dust suppression system - more informations

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Dust Suppression projects

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