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Produzione macchine
The problem: the persisting of rainfalls, the breaking of water mains and of river banks due to flood waves bring to flooding.

Very often it is not possible to install structures such as pumping station or loose pipes to “dry the land”.

WLP developed an innovative EAS system (Evaporation Automatic System) which guarantees a fast evaporation thanks to powerful fans and high atomization nozzles.

How it works: water is suctioned through powerful draining pumps.After the filtration, water is placed under pressure and atomized by a set of nozzles. The atomized water is then pushed upwards from powerful fans. In this way, thanks to the combination of the air flow with the atmospheric humidity, water evaporates.


  • No need of installing pump stations or pipes
  • Large treatedareas
  • Working in complete autonomy also in areas where no electric connection is available
  • Completelyautomaticsystem
  • Reductiong of draining time

Where it can be used:

  • Floods
  • Overbankflows
  • Quarries and mines

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Dust Suppression projects

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