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Dust suppression in Tunnelling

For the nature of the activity itself, the perforation of a tunnel implies the production of dust, in particular during the explosions on the front of the tunnel bore.

In addition to that, once the firing has been completed, it is necessary to wait some minutes in order for the air pumping systems to remove the gas flows generated by the explosion. This means long waiting time and a reduction of the profitability and the efficiency.

Thanks to the technology used, whose strength is the combination of low water pressure (the systems start to work efficiently at a pressure of just 10 bar) with a channelized air flow, WLP systems produce a high concentration of small atomized drops which can incorporate and suppress PM10 or smaller dust particles, even at a considerable distance from the emission point.

Thanks to certified tests WLP systems are proved to suppress 14 times the dust concentration inside tunnels and to shorten waiting times after the firing of explosives.

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Dust suppression in Tunnelling projects

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