Remediation of large contaminated sites
The problem: Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, tsunamis cause not only huge material damage, but even worse a considerable number of casualties among human beings and animals.
One of the major risks relating to operations after natural disasters is the risk of epidemic spread caused by rotting corpses.
WLP developed an innovative NCA system (No Contaminated Area) which can reduce drastically the diffusion of infective bacteria thanks to the use of non-polluting additives.
How it works: the machines are equipped with an electric generator set and a high capacity tank. Thanks to the on board electronic devices the NCA Atomization system can work completely automatically and, if programmed, it can manage time setting and working times.In addition to that, it can be supplied with a radio control which enables the operator to control the machine remotely reducing the risk of exposure to pathogens.
- Reduction of the risk of epidemic spread
- Large treatedareas
- Working in complete autonomy also in areas where no electric and water connections are available
- Completely automatic system
- Reduction of the exposure to risk of contamination for operators
Where it can be used:
- Duringdisasterscaused by earthquakes
- Duringdisasterscaused by floods
- Duringdisasterscaused by tsunamis
- In sites which have been contaminated by pathogens