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Dust and odour suppression in Waste Recycling

Over the years WLP has always been committed to design and manufacture technologies and applications which can contribute to solve the problems related to the suppression of fine dust and odours in industrial fields, which are often subjected to the respect of the legislation to control odour and fine dust emissions released to the atmosphere.

Over the years, following the development of the industrial sector, the need to find suitable places for waste and industrial scraps and to find a sustainable way to manage them has played a more and more important role and it has become an essential issue that every industry must take into consideration without underestimating the connected risks.

For this reason, it is possible to observe a steady grown of recycling plants which divide the incoming materials in three main categories: the stone or inert material, which can be used again, the light fraction (paper, plastic, wood, impurities, etc.) and the metal fraction.

During the production, treatment, handling, loading, unloading and storage of such materials it is essential to limit the emission of dust and nasty odours in order to avoid damage to the respiratory system and controversies with the local population and with institutions and public authorities.

WLP offers its dust and odour suppression systems as solution to such problems. Thanks to the use of the atomized misting equipment the fine dust released during the various processes falls down to the ground and creates a moist layer which prevents dust to be released again in the air during the transit of trucks and heavy vehicles. In addition to that, the formation of mud and runoff phenomena on the ground is avoided. At the same time, if necessary, special substances/enzymes can be added to water particles in order to destroy the odour molecule.

Thanks to the use of WLP dust suppression systems it is possible to improve the quality of the air in the working area and the visibility in the site enabling the staff to carry out every activity moresafely. Furthermore, the machinery can also benefit from the positive effect of such systems because it is less subjected to wear caused by the deposit of dust.

In fact, thanks to the know-how and to its team of technicians WLP can also offer the design of completely automatic plants with the aim of completing the production cycle with the suppression systems.The Software WERPICO has been developed by WLP and can be integrated with the SCADA which are possibly present in the facility, ensuring a very efficient use of the dust suppression systems.

Gallery Dust and odour suppression in Waste Recycling

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Dust and odour suppression in Waste Recycling projects

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