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The WLP company : activity and future prospects

Produzione macchine
WLP S.r.l. was founded in May 2005 with the aim of planningmanufacturing and sellingmachinery for environmental use, or rather for the limitation of dust emissions of silicon origin and for the control and suppression of odours. In addition to this first business branch, which gave birth to the company, a second branch has been started to supply the adequate technological support to the company. For this reason, WLP also deals with the planning and manufacturing of electronic control systems and of development systems for the automation software. To this regard, we have been awarded some important projects for the development of machinery automation. Since its inception, the company has grown at a steady rate and now it boasts two business branches, one dealing with dust suppression and one with automation, which can be produced both for WLP products and for third parties, a constantly developing sales network, which is actively present by the users thanks to tests and demonstrations, anda potential market which has excellent perspectives. In August 2006 a new machine was designed for the dust suppression in the atmosphere with the aim of improving the technical characteristics and the efficiency of the prototype.

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Dust Suppression projects

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